The staff at Montgomery is dedicated to serving our families with opportunities to experience a Christian camping program centered on the love of Jesus Christ. With over 65 years of summer camp ministry, we are committed to continuing the legacy that Dr. E.F. Montgomery, Sr. began years ago.
Dr. Montgomery stated in 1926, "A week at camp is not time to be thrown away. There is room for physical training - the making of a better body. There is room for character building - the making of a better person. But there is more still. There is an opportunity to develop those best and deepest instincts of the soul. A child's soul is most responsive at camp. There he hears the call of the Infinite, and his heart answers back to the Great Spirit of the out-of-doors."
We focus on building lasting friendships, providing a wide selection of activities on the beautiful 167 acres, and kindling the fire in each person's soul through intentional outdoor worship. We are praying for all who may join us under the oaks of Montgomery this summer.