The Avian Reconditioning Center (ARC) offers wildlife programs to schools, scout troops, church groups, civic organizations, retirement centers, and other non-profits. They are great for after school programs or Kids Camps. Kids crafts and art projects can be included to further enhance the learning experience. Birds of prey make wonderful study subjects for a variety of reasons. They are attention grabbing, and their flight is a wonder. Our programs focus on raptors, their natural history and their importance to us and our environment. We have found that birds of prey are excellent ambassadors for teaching a variety of subjects including natural history, biology, conservation, and photography. ARC is a volunteer driven, 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. We receive no state or federal funding and 100% of donations go to bird care. Program fees help to keep our doors open, help us care for injured raptors, and educate the public about these amazing animals. We can't do it without your help.