At The Disney Wilderness Preserve, visitors can hike, bird watch, and enjoy old Florida’s natural beauty. There is no fee, although donations are appreciated.
What to See: Animals
Birds include the bald eagle, red-cockaded woodpecker, wood stork, sandhill crane, northern harrier and crested caracara. The preserve is also home to the southeastern big-eared bat, Sherman’s fox squirrel, eastern indigo snake and gopher tortoise. The Florida panther has even been documented crossing the site!
What to See: Plants
The Disney Wilderness Preserve features cypress swamp, freshwater marsh, scrub, flatwoods and oak hammocks. A rejuvenated longleaf pine forest—replete with lush understory of native grasses, saw palmetto and other shrubs—is one result of the return of prescribed fire to the land. Key flowers include the fall-flowering ixia, Catesby’s lily and terrestrial orchids.
Beginning April 10, 2023, we will be open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures: closed most major holidays.
Please call 407-935-0002 for updates.