Students who display ADHD characteristics or neurodivergence may benefit greatly from Behavior Coaching. Take the first step to help manage behavior, anxiety, stress and build your students' self-esteem with Behavior Coaching.
At VIBES Behavior Coaching-
(VIBES: Varying Interventions for Behavioral & Emotional Supports), we provide Intervention Strategies for:
Emotional Control
For self regulation and student success.
Students with well-developed social emotional skills spend more time on task and more time helping others, resulting in a decrease in negative behavior and significant increases in learning opportunities and academic achievement.
-We create intervention plans using the 4 R's of Behavior Intervention: Reduce, Replace, Reinforce & Respond. We know it takes a village so we support parents and teachers as well for a more comprehensive approach to behavioral support.
Contact one of our VIBES Implementation Specialist (VIS) today.
Office: 352-719-0930
Vibes Behavior Coaching Lab
A subsidiary of The Masters Educational Foundation Inc.